Retreat {Within}

A Mind that is stretched by new experiences can never return to its previous dimensions
— Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

My name is Suki. It means Beloved in Japanese.

It is not who she was before our work together; but who she was before she had everything taken from her. She had lost herself completely.

She felt invisible; She had no idea who she was.

We intentionally curated her journey to discover her authentic self and created a map back to that familiar place. Across our time together, she transformed a practice of embodiment into a fully embodied being.

Our work together allowed her to {Re}Claim Everything.

After our time together, she blossomed like a flower and was standing tall in her authentic truth.

I know her. She is Me.

Allow me to guide you to a life you don’t need to retreat from.



  • A therapeutics driven, corrective and restorative one-on-one private yoga instruction that uses trauma informed Neuro Somatic Yoga therapy. Sessions have potential integration of breathwork, guided meditation techniques and energy healing. The experience is personalized to you and creates rapid shifts in the body. Sessions can be virtual which allows us to meet you where you are at, as you are, on your mat.

  • Whether you are looking to restart your spiritual journey or elevate your spiritual practice, this is an 8-week container designed for you. With the application of a variety of therapeutic techniques, a physical asana practice, breathwork, meditation & integration tools this commitment is designed to support you in creating and maintaining a life you don’t have to retreat from.

  • For those who feel stressed & overdone, like the last thing you have time to do is eat a proper meal- let alone cook one. We share strategies that take meal planning and preparing from exhausted effort to effortless, and provide tools to nourish the mindbody connection and support spiritual alignment. Sessions are entirely based on your needs and goals to shift towards a balanced relationship with yourself and heal through food.

  • Chef Suki combines her many years of gourmet restaurant experience along with her delight for healthful cooking to add the extra somethin’ to any retreat. She provides meals that are made with love, seasonally inspired, allergen conscious and deeply nourishing to allow guests to feel held & heal through food. This liberates hosts to focus on all the other moving parts of a successful retreat.