{Re} Start Your Spiritual Journey

Our Services

  • A therapeutics driven, corrective and restorative one-on-one private yoga instruction that uses trauma informed Neuro Somatic Yoga therapy. Sessions have potential integration of breathwork, guided meditation techniques and energy healing. The experience is personalized to you and creates rapid shifts in the body. Sessions can be virtual which allows us to meet you where you are at, as you are, on your mat.

  • Whether you are looking to restart your spiritual journey or elevate your spiritual practice, this is an 8-week container designed for you. With the application of a variety of therapeutic techniques, a physical asana practice, breathwork, meditation & integration tools this commitment is designed to support you in creating and maintaining a life you don’t have to retreat from.

  • Whether in person or virtual, these yoga classes are designed to be accessible for employees in every way. Remote sessions allow you to meet your employees where they are at, on their mat and in life.

  • Chef Suki combines her many years of gourmet restaurant experience along with her delight for healthful cooking to add the extra somethin’ to any retreat. She provides meals that are made with love, seasonally inspired, allergen conscious and deeply nourishing to allow guests to feel held & heal through food. This liberates hosts to focus on all the other moving parts of a successful retreat.

  • Mind/Spirit

    The mind is the element used to create and experience your own reality. Mindfulness & presence allow you to manifest your dreams into this world by tapping into your spirit connection. Think of it this way- if the soul is like a computer, then your spirit mind is the wifi that is broadcasting you into this body. By tending to the mind, we can manage the matter.

  • Body/Physical

    The physical body is the machine we use to navigate the world. It is what we most readily identify with. The minds thoughts become our actions which becomes who we are in day to day life. By truly connecting with the body, we can explore all of our senses for a deeper human experience. A physical yoga practice is a great way to deepen the mindbody connection.

  • External/Social

    The external world is the place where everything outside of the mind exists. It serves as the invitation to get out of your head and into the here and now. As inherently social creatures, we are energy-in-motion (emotion) that thrive on human connection. Retreats are a wonderful place to gather and share in joy, gratitude & peace of mind.

  • Inner Realm/Emotional

    Within the inner world lies the authentic self. The self, when understood, is already perfect. Just as any seed of a flower contains the flower in itself in all its magnificence, the self has everything it needs to fulfill its higher purpose. When the inner conditions are right, it naturally emerges, bigger, better, and more abundantly than we can imagine. Tools like meditation and breathwork allow one to find deep inner calm.